-We were at Wal-Mart and she walked up to this lady who was holding a baby (two weeks old, mind you) and started touching the baby. You just don't do that - you don't touch strangers' babies!
-At a family picnic, there was a very distant relative that she had never met before. This woman's daughter's cup was sitting by my mother-in-law. She picks up the cup and tells this random lady that she's going to drink her daughter's drink because "her name isn't on it". Seriously?? Who does that??
-She doesn't drink alcohol and doesn't allow her children to drink it either. We were at a family gathering where there was beer and soda. Her 19 year-old son had poured out the root beer in his can and filled it with beer. She loves root beer and for some reason she decided to pick up her son's can of root beer and chug it. (Once again, drinking someone else's drink - why does she do this??) She got a mouth-full of beer and spit it out and started gagging. She was so distraught. I didn't feel bad for her - I even laughed - serves her right for eating and drinking other peoples' things.
-My husband and I are in charge of the nursery at our church. She loves kids, so she asked if she could come and play with the kids on Sunday. I didn't see any harm in it, but as soon as she got there, she started taking pictures of the kids - and kept taking pictures of them the whole time. Awkward... Why does she want pictures of kids she doesn't know and will never see again?
-Last night we were at another family dinner and she was trying to get everyone to play this Family Feud game on the computer. (Like 10 on 10...there's no way) It was complete pandemonium when finally one of her kids told her that she didn't know what she was doing and then he proceeded to take over and got everyone organized. Well apparently that was a huge blow to her because she started crying and came to my husband for sympathy. Sigh.
-Oh, and she wore leggings in the pool... :\ 
Does anyone else have in-law stories??
Does anyone else have in-law stories??
Oh my gosh, that is hilarious! Leggings in a pool? Seriously? I have unusually cool inlaws, so I can't relate, however I know my mother is a bit "scatter-brained" so at times I feel for my husband! Too funny.