Thursday, April 23, 2009

Met a Goal

I'm just putting this out there, because I'm proud of myself. I used to be in the 250s, then I moved down to the 240s, and as of this morning, I am in the 230s!! :D

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Little About Me

Here are some tidbits about me:
1. I have been married since July 2008. This is both my husband's and my first (and last) marriage.

2. I am currently unemployed. I was laid off a little over a month ago.

3. I am a part-time student at a private university.

4. We have no kids, yet.

5. I was raised in San Antonio, Texas and will hopefully be moving back eventually.

6. I love cooking! I love trying out new recipes and finding new family favorites.

7. We have a big fish tank with a giant goldfish, two suckerfish, two pretty who-knows-what-they-are fish, and a rainbow shark.

8. I love to visit Las Vegas and New York.

9. My husband and I are both overweight and working on it.

10. I love photography - being behind the lens and also appreciating others' work.

11. My husband and I have recently discovered geocaching. It's one of our favorite hobbies now.

12. I have a thing about grammar and spelling.

13. Blogging is less of a "diary" kind of thing, and more of a outlet.

14. I often judge people by their shoes.

15. I love to travel.

16. My favorite color is blue.

17. My favorite food is turtle cheesecake. Maybe that's why I'm overweight...

18. I drink 8+ cups of water every day. Once again, working on losing weight.

19. I weight myself every morning on my Wii Fit.

20. I hate cats.

21. I have no allergies whatsoever.

22. I bite my nails. Usually during movies.

23. I always have to have my toenails painted.

24. I drive a Toyota Avalon.

25. The only make-up I wear is mascara and eyeliner.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Poor Jack

We got a frog this past Saturday and the girl at the pet store dropped him on the floor not once, but twice - I should have taken the hint. But no, we took him home and named him Jack. My husband gets up the next morning (Easter Sunday) and can't find the frog in the tank - he thought it was just hiding somewhere. Five hours later, he sees something hopping around on the floor. Who knows how long the frog had been out of the tank....he was covered in hair and dust and dirt. :\ So hubby puts him back in the tank and he was doing alright but then we came home later that afternoon and found this:

We thought he was just chilling by the tower. But no, that's how he died, standing up. Or trying to jump... :(

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Flossy Flossy

Let's be honest - I don't floss every day. I'm lucky if I floss 4 times a week. However, I have always known that you floss before you brush. That way you get all the junk out and then brush it away. My hubby on the other hand, believes that it doesn't matter when you floss, as long as it gets done (he flosses after he brushes). What do you think? Should you floss before or after?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Behind His Back

My friend, we'll call her Jennifer, went to her husband's work party and her husband won an iPod. He wanted to upgrade it, so he returned it to the store and got cash for it! When does that ever happen? It was about $300, and he put it in their joint bank account. His birthday is on Sunday (yeah, Easter) and all he asked for was a Wii. Nothing else - pretty much that or nothing.

Jennifer is NOT tech-savvy and knows nothing about electronics whatsoever. Since I have a Wii, she was asking me about how much it costs and what games would be fun to get, etc yesterday morning. Then, in the afternoon, she randomly goes to a computer liquidation/surplus sale (like I said, she knows NOTHING about electronics). She ends up spending the $300 that HE won, that he generously offered her to use for HIS birthday gift on an old piece of shit laptop that doesn't run very well and the keys rattle when you type on it!!

I could see if it was a good deal (you can get new laptops for $300...), or if she had a clue about electronics, or if she asked him first and he said yes, or if it was money not already deemed his birthday money. I just can't believe she did that, behind his back. And there are no refunds, so they're stuck with this junk. I feel so bad for her husband. I guess he won't be getting his Wii this year... :(

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

On A Lighter Note...

The ants are gone! Hallelujah! :)

Who Do You Think You Are?

Background: This girl, we'll call her Rachel, married her high school sweetheart, who happens to be one of my husband's best friends (they all went to high school together). The four of us hang out and double date all of the time. Amanda and I have hung out one-on-one a few times, and she even tried to get me a job at her company when I was unemployed and looking.

Story: Tonight I'm having a small girl's night in with a few of my girlfriends. I called to invite her on Saturday and got her voicemail. She is off and on instant messenger all day long at work (and sometimes even at home in the evenings), so yesterday morning I instant messaged her asking if she was planning on coming to my party. No response (even though it showed that she was on). I still have not heard anything back from her.

I don't mind if she doesn't come to my party - she's pretty shy and I understand that she wouldn't want to be placed in a social situation where she doesn't know very many people. I get that. But what I don't get is why she feels that ignoring me and leaving me wondering if she's coming or not is a good alternative to growing a pair and telling me she isn't coming. If you're not going to come, then just tell me you have something else going on or whatever. Who do you think you are that you can ignore people and dismiss them because of your own insecurities? I guess I thought we were better friends than you did. Fine by me. I don't need "friends" like you anyways.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ants in My Pants

I walk into my kitchen yesterday and see a million ants crawling all over my sink, counter, and themselves. It was insane. I heard about spraying vinegar on them - it worked for a while, but they're starting to come back. I've cleaned everything and made sure all of the food is stored in air-tight containers. I don't even really know where the ants are coming from! Any suggestions?