Thursday, May 28, 2009


Today has been a bad day:

My wedding ring is nowhere to be found.

I feel like a walrus. At least we weigh the same.

I was thinking about trying Alli because it's FDA-approved and I've heard nothing but good things about it. But then my husband pointed out that we have gym memberships that we pay for, so "why not just go to the gym?" Of course, but pills are easier. That made me feel worse because I realized I haven't been to the gym in months!

I haven't worn make-up since I went to church on Sunday.

I haven't showered since Monday.

I don't even put on clothes until I get the mail at around 4.

I have no motivation- I sit at the computer ALL day long.

We have ants again. And they brought their flying buddies back with them. :(

I need a vacation.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I have been unemployed for over two months now.
I went to lunch with two of my former coworkers last week and they reminded me I should apply for unemployment. Me? File for unemployment?? It seemed so low, so money-sucking, so needy and helpless.
I'm an independent woman!
But I caved and filed. Free money, right? ;)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Shampoo & Conditioner

I am a shampoo and conditioner theif. I always take them from hotels, if they smell good. So I had a stack to choose from when we recently went on a small vacation. I picked a Bath & Body Works scent - Coconut Lime Verbena, one of my all-time favorites!

I shower at my sister's house and something's weird. This is not normal shampoo and conditioner. Back up. Does B&BW even make shampoo and conditioner?? I don't remember ever seeing that on the shelves. Here's what I think: they put body wash in the shampoo bottles and lotion in the conditioner bottles and market it to hotels. Those dirty tyrants! My hair felt weird the whole time I was on vacation. :\

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!

Happy Mother's Day to all of you mothers out there!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


A yield sign (above) is NOT a stop sign (below).

One of my biggest pet peeves is when people have a yield sign and they regard it as a stop sign. There is a reason they are two different signs! If you are yielding, you merge. That means you either speed up to get in front of the next car, or you slow down a bit to let them pass and then you get in behind them. People who are in the main stream of traffic should not have to alter their speed in order to get around you coming in to their lane.
Sorry, I had an experience this morning where a guy was supposed to yield to me and instead almost ran me off the road. He just kept driving right next to me as the lanes merged together - scary!